All staff are committed to ensuring that every boy enjoys and feels supported during their time at Hereward House.
We strive to provide a warm, welcoming and safe atmosphere in which everyone can thrive and feel comfortable.
All staff are dedicated to making sure that pastoral care is outstanding at every level.
Pastoral care throughout the school is overseen by the Deputy Head but at the beginning of every academic year, form teachers are allocated to every class and they are usually the first point of contact for pupils and parents. The Head of Junior School and Head of Middle School work closely with the Deputy Head and form teachers ensuring that any problem is tackled immediately.
Each year group has a timetabled PSHEE lesson once a week, while there are also regular SMSC assemblies and talks.
Hereward House also promotes British Values and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our pupils, while making sure all staff are aware of any worries or concerns.
In addition to knowing and understanding all boys incredibly well, the high quality of our pastoral care is achieved in the following ways:
- the curriculum
- the pastoral system
- assemblies
- the House system
- PSHEE Lessons
- form periods
- the sanctions and rewards system
- the comments and concerns box
- responsibilities in every classroom
- daily staff meetings