Every week the boys have two Games sessions, where specialist coaches come in to spend the day teaching a variety of both winter and summer sports. Additionally there is an on-site PE lesson which is included in the academic timetable. On Tuesdays the sport takes place on the Astroturf at Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre and for the Friday sessions the school has sole use of the fantastic facilities at Brondesbury Cricket Club
During Michaelmas and Lent Terms the boys concentrate on football, there is an emphasis on involvement and enjoyment of the sport, but with plenty of matches against local schools they are also able to enhance their teamwork and competitive edge. There are chances to practise cross-country running in preparation for inter-school meets including Hereward House’s own highly regarded annual event. The focus in the Summer term is on cricket.
In the Junior school they have a weekly PE lesson where they focus on fundamental and motor skills. They also have an introduction to team sports.
We host three big events during the school year which are always well supported by the parents. We have the Swimming Gala for Year 3 upwards, our annual school cross country for Year 5 upwards (and in which upwards of 10 schools compete) and our whole school Sports Day for all boys.